Newsletter Week 7 Term 3 2022
School Prayer
Message from the Principal
Hopefully you have noticed a few changes to the school newsletter. Firstly, the newsletter will now be published every 2 weeks. Secondly, we have changed the format of the newsletter so that it should now be easy to read on any device. Please send us feedback about these changes.
This week have celebrated NAIDOC week. We celebrate and recognise the rich history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC week is the opportunity to learn more about First Nations Cultures and histories.
School Values
Over the past few week’s teachers have been talking to students about our school value RESPECT and what it means to them. The students came up with a variety of ways they show RESPECT in their daily lives. Below are some examples:
Respect means treating others equally and encouraging others to be kind, work hard and have fun
Respect is being honest, listening and using manners
Respect is no bullying and being inclusive
Respect is making others feel happy
Respect is treating others the way you wish to be treated
Respect is where people pick up rubbish we see, even if it not ours
Respect is not talking over someone when they are talking
Respect is seeing all cultures as equal
Respect is saying nice things to your friends
Respect is treating people as if they are Jesus and how they would treat Jesus if He were at school
Respect is standing up for people
School Start
Getting a good start to each day is so important to students learning. Arriving at school prior to the 8:50am start bell allows students to settle into their day. Learning starts just after 8:50am and for those students who arrive late they miss out on the most important part of a lesson. It also means they must spend their start trying to catch up. For many families getting ready each morning can be busy and chaotic. There are ways to make it smoother by talking to children and together writing a simple morning schedule.
Book Week
What an amazing Book Week we had! It was wonderful to see how all our students dressed up as their favourite book characters. It was also pleasing to see to all staff joining in. A special mention to Mrs Tomazin for all her hard work in making the book week parade such a memorable occasion and for all the extra work she does to make our library the outstanding place it is.
Catholic school Parents Association Survey
Have your say on what matters regarding the well-being and learning of your child. For example, has COVID or your partnership with the school affected your child’s well-being and learning? If you are a parent or carer with a child in a Catholic school, CSPA would love to hear from you. Click on the survey link – CSPA 2022 PARENT SURVEY and share your feedback to assist CSPA in reporting to the Federal Government and Catholic education. Your feedback will remain anonymous.
R U OK? Day is when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life. At Good Shepherd we will be having a Wellness Week next week were we especially focus on student wellbeing. One of the things we will be doing that students are sure to love is a week of NO HOMEWORK. This is a great opportunity to encourage your child to play outdoors. For more information about R U OK? Please follow the link below:
A conversation could change a life | R U OK?
God Bless
Nic Gaglia
Person of the Week
to our most recent Person of the Week
Sophie. R
Sophie is compassionate and kind. She is always willing to help others and eager to comfort someone who is having a hard time. Sophie is polite, friendly and respectful. She has beautiful manners, speaks kindly to everyone and is always thoughtful in her actions. She is honest, trustworthy and exhibits strong leadership skills for someone so young. We are so grateful to have her warm heart and beautiful smile in our 1B classroom and we are blessed that she is part of the Good Shepherd Community. Congratulations Sophie!
Kaya (Hello). NAIDOC Week was celebrated nationally from 3rd July – 10th July which was during our school holidays. The theme of NAIDOC Week for this year is Get up! Stand up! Show up! NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC Week is a celebration held every year and lasts for one week.
We commenced our NAIDOC celebrations with a Water in Aboriginal Culture incursion for Years 2-6. Harley Johnston from the Water Corporation
· Broadened the students understanding of Aboriginal culture
· He helped them understand the techniques used by Noongar people to locate and transport water
· He shared knowledge practices shared among Aboriginal people
· Involved the students in interactive activities where they worked in groups to create a story using Aboriginal symbols cards and they played Djuripin Bingo, where they asked each other questions about Noongar Culture
Classes were involved in activities that helped broaden their kaartdijin (knowledge) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. We also celebrated the culture, history, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The week concluded with 2B’s Assembly where the whole school sang The Aboriginal Our Father and the School Band playing two Aboriginal songs.
Message from the Year 6 Senior Leaders
In the previous fortnight, we had Book Week. The variety of outfits was incredible. It is always fantastic to see the teachers dressed up as well. A huge congratulations to Mrs Tomazin for organising this event. On Wednesday, our school hosted a PE teacher's meeting. The faction, music and school captains took teachers on a tour of our facilities before they went to the meeting. It was an opportunity to use our leadership skills. Next week, we have our sports carnival. We look forward to welcoming everyone to come and support our school. Mr B has been busy getting things organised. Have a great week everyone.
Che and Mikelti
Wellness Week
Week 8 Term 3 we will focus on our wellbeing and have a break from homework! During this week we will relax and have a break. We encourage you to work on your wellbeing by playing outside, play board games and spending time with your family doing things you enjoy.
On Wednesday 7th September you will be invited to wear a touch of yellow, this can be yellow clothes, hair ties, socks to acknowledge R U OK Day?
Keeping Safe: Child Safety Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)
The KS:CPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.
The curriculum is based on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities.
· Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe
· Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
Focus Areas
The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners.
1. The right to be safe
2. Relationships
3. Recognising and reporting abuse
4. Protective strategies.
More information can be found on the KS:CPC website:
Book club brochures have been sent home this week for students and parents to purchase some fantastic books. This is a great way to foster the love of reading for your child as they get to choose what they are interested in! Orders can be made through Loop by following the instructions on the brochure. Alternatively, you can place an order form with the correct money in a sealed envelope with your child's name and class clearly labelled. Please ensure that the correct amount is sent in as no change will be given.
Book Club orders are due: 6/9/2022
Shrek the Musical
Congratulations to Helina Degafe from 1W who is a cast member in Shrek the musical which is showing at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre on the 10th and 11th of September.
For those interested in this performance, tickets can be purchased via the link
P&F Page
Today we held our first Father’s/Special person’s day afternoon tea. With over 300 people in attendance, it was a great start to the weekend. We would like to thank the school band who entertained us and all of our volunteers who helped with set up. We hope everyone had a lovely afternoon spending it with your child/ren and getting to see a part of their world for a short time.
Wishing our school dads a very Happy Father’s Day for Sunday!
Tuesday 20 Sept 2022
Hall Meeting room at 7.00pm
Holly Vecchi (President)
0424 529 329
Sara Andacic (Vice President)
0407 699 746
Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group
Merit Awards
Congratulations to our most recent Merit Certificate winners:
PPB | Alex. M & Myra. J |
PPW | Jujhar. S & Natasha. N |
1B | Liam. P & Elijah. P |
1W | George. W & Ifeanyi. V |
2B | Stephanie. M & Arjun. M |
2W | Elise. G |
3B | Eliza. G, Alexander. S & Isaac. B |
3W | Himani. K & Zayven. R |
4B | Domenica. A & Christopher. W |
4W | Alessio. B& Jack. E |
5B | Alessio. D, Jiro. N & Xavier. B |
5W | Keturah. R & Leila. S |
6B | Coco. F |
6W | Alby. J & Lucas. M |
Earobics Isabella. C
Star Class
Faction Points
Francis House | 773 |
Maali House | 772 |
Noonan House | 687 |
Foley House | 592 |
The following celebrated a birthday recently. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Ronan PPB Danny 2W
Ifechukwu 3B Saathvik KW
Hannah KB Saanika 4W
Chelsea 3B Jared 4B
Anna KB Valerie 5W
Ophelia PPB Qeshaun 1W
Emme 4W Sarah 6W
Ashrika KB Bridget 2W
Jayden 5B Annaliesse 6B
Harper PPW Amber 4B
Mikelti 6W Mrs Atkinson
Dates to Remember
Jumps and Throws Carnival
8th September
Sports Carnival
9th September
Mass – 2W
16th September
Music Night
21st September
Sushi Day
21st September
End of Term 3
22nd September
Term Dates
Term 3
Monday 18th July - Thursday 22nd September
Term 4
Monday 10th October - Friday 9th December
Pupil Free Days
Monday 7th November
Library Help Needed
We have an abundance of library books that are ready for covering. If you would like to cover books, please come into the library and collect a small bag of books and we will provide the roll of contact. This way you can cover the books at your convenience. If you can help, please come, and see Mrs Tomazin in the library. Thank you so much. Helen Tomazin, Library Technician
Facebook & Instragram
Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.
Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.
Recess orders will be accepted from all students in Kindy to Year 6. We ask parents to write their order on an envelope and place the correct money to avoid handling change. The Canteen Menu is available on our Website:
Uniform Shop
The following items are out of stock at the uniform shop:
Rugby shorts - Size 2
Jumpers - Size 2 and 6
As soon as we receive stock a message will be sent to families via sms or newsletter.
Please also note that in addition to the above items ZIP JACKETS of all sizes are out of stock and will not be available in the near future.
Children in PrePrimary to Year 6 are allowed to wear Jumpers instead of the Jackets
Uniform Shop Trading Hours | |
Tuesday | 8:15am – 9:15am |
Friday | 2:15pm – 3:15pm |