Newsletter Week 4- Term 4, 2023


Senior Leaders Message

Earlier this term, we recently had the Kindy’s Athletics carnival where they had to run in races and compete in team games. Students in the Interschool Athletics team participated in the Interschool Athletics Carnival where they tried so hard competing against other schools. Some of the Year 6’s were lucky enough to participate in basketball tournaments. They all did very well! The girls team won overall and are going to the next championships! A huge thank you to the PNF for organising the obstacle-a-thon which fundraised money to help assist in purchasing some new playground markings.

Have a great weekend!

Chimdindu and Keturah 

Dates to Remember


Term 4

Annual General Meeting
Monday 6th November

Special Cheeseburger Day
Thursday 9th November

Mass - 3W
Friday 10th November

P&F Meeting
Tuesday 14th November

CPSSA Summer Carnival
Friday 17th November

Assembly - 4W
Friday 17th November

Liturgy - 1W
Friday 24th November

Special Sushi Day
Tuesday 28th November

Year 6 Dinner Dance 
Wednesday 29th November

Christmas Concert
Friday 1st December

Graduation Mass
Monday 4th December

Mass & Assembly- Year 6
Friday 8th December

Last day of Term 4
Friday 8th December


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Merit Awards

Congratulations to our most recent Merit Certificate winners:    

Newsletter Week 8 - Term 3, 2023

PPB Harrison, Elizabeth, Alfonso

PPW Jian, Anderson, Hannah & Ryan

1B Aldrin, Amelia, Bor, Tasha & Natasha

1W Mackenzie, Luca, Narayani, Edie, Eimear, April Pip & Dinushan

2B Hannah, Leo, Gurshaan, Nicholas & Michael

2W Ariana, Shanaya, Brayden, Joshua & Tara

3B Britanny & Luke

3W Marabella, Tejj, Emily, Stephanie, Mateo & Emily

4B Angela, Rosie & Shaurya, Caoimhe, Marco & Angela

4W Vihaan, Isaac & Noah, Ifee, Lailani & Rain 

5B Martin, Aiden, Michael, Cillian & Mzoe

5W Kalyn, Vianca, Alessio, Abbey, Mason, Heidi & Essbe

6B Khloe, Athalia, Nicholas, Christian, Michael, Akira & Veer

6W Darshika, Eva, Arabella, Anna, Saanvi & Sebastian 

Faction Points

Points Total Term 4 2023

FOLEY      1466

MAALI      1300

FRANCIS    1093

NOONAN    1207



P&F Page


Sunday 22 October saw the P&F and helpers spend the day at the local Bunnings running the sausage sizzle.  We had an amazing turn out with over $2400 in profits made on the day.  We couldn’t have done it without all of our amazing helpers, especially Miss Hiss;  Mrs Deans; Mrs Tomazin; Ms Pedulla; Mrs Naylor; Mrs Paternitti; Mr Gaglia; Mrs Reedman; Mrs Atkinson; Mrs Caridi; Mrs Andrews

Special thanks goes to Alfred’s Kitchen in Guildford for the awesome donation of all the sausages and Dr Anne Aly MP-Member for Cowan for her donation towards consumables.  It was great seeing so many Good Shepherd families stop by and help us raise some money.


Well the 2023 Obstacle-a-thon is over for another year! A great day was had yesterday watching all of our students take on the mammoth course by running throughout the school.  Who will be our biggest fundraiser winners?! With an EzyRoller and E-Scooter up for grabs there is still plenty of time to get more sponsors and your money collected!  Don’t forget the highest fundraising class overall will also win a Pizza Party.

Remember this year you can also sign up to Rallyup to go cash free. It makes sharing the link to friends and family super simple! You can email them; text them or share your special link on facebook to raise more money!

Monies are due by Thursday 16 November 2023.  Please place your forms and cash into the Admin box located in birdcage near the office or hand to your class teachers to pop in the black box  Winners will be annouced following this.

Special thanks goes out to Hon. Dave Kelly MLA – Member for Bassendean for his amazing donation of $500.  This enabled us to purchase the winning prizes!

P&F ACM 2023

Join us on Monday 6 November for the P&F’s ACM.  Find out who your new committee and executives will be! All welcome in the school hall from 6pm.


Sales for tea towels and lapel pins are now closed.  Thankyou for all who ordered, we can’t wait to get them in and distributed out to all.  Please note these are expected in week 8 or 9 of this term. Further information will be provided once they arrive.



Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Sara Andacic (Vice President)
0407 699 746


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group


The following have celebrated a birthday recently. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Georgia 4B

Malakai 2B

Aryan 4W

Darryl 6W

William 6B

Wesley 3W

Marabella 3W

Bryson 4W

Regan 6B

Paul KB

Ava 5B

Taj 5W

Eva 6W

Larah 2W

Kehara 6W

Stella KB

Quincey PPW

Luciana 1W

Annabelle 3B

Emily 3B

Mrs Pearce





Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Annual General Meeting | WIOA


The Annual General Meeting of the School Advisory Council and the Parents’ and Friends’ Association will be held on Monday 6th November 2023 commencing at 6:00pm in the school hall. All Welcome!

Students Not Attending in 2024


Friends Clip Art -


If your child will not be attending Good Shepherd Catholic School in 2024 you are asked to please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible.

2025 Kindy Enrolments


Image preview


Children born between 1st July 2020 and 30th June 2021 are eligible for kindergarten 2025.  Kindergarten enrolments are now being accepted at the school office.   

Application forms can be obtained via the school website or by phoning the School Office on 6278 9500.   Applications close:  8th December 2023 


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

La Salle College Carols by Candlelight

St Vincent de Paul - Car Boot Sale

SPOTS WA - Speech Pathology

Centre for Faith Enrichment


Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.